Estonian Web 3 Chamber
We bring together global Web3 builders with strong ties to Estonia. Our members are companies and their representatives, many of whom build, invest and help expand the ecosystem further.
We connect our members so that we can all learn from each other, join forces to advocate for Web3 technology and its real use cases, and spread the news about the success of our members across the world.
We encourage open, supportive and trusting relationships between our members to collectively celebrate progress, support each other in solving common problems and learn from experience.


Raido Saar

Asse Sauga
Founding Member

Gilbert Pardla
Technical Systems

Sander Gansen
Web3 Ecosystem
Do you want to join us?
- International and Estonian companies
- Yearly membership fee
Chamber mission
Our goals:
According to our vision, Internet users deserve increased data security, scalability, and privacy provided by Web3. We’re here to help companies build for that future, help regulators understand these technologies and help spread the innovation built in Estonia internationally.
As the sector representatives, we have formulated the following goals:
- There needs to be more collaboration within the Estonian Web3 ecosystem, as together, we go further.
- We need to spread the true concept of Web3 so that regulators and everyday people will embrace its importance.
- At certain times, we have to be ready to give responses to new policy proposals, protecting the Web3 ecosystem.
- Together, we shall celebrate the progress made by our members and help spread their news internationally.
How it got started?
In the second half of 2014, Asse Sauga, Joonas Trussman, Erki Koldits, Priit Lätt and Raivo Malter established the Estonian Cryptocurrency Association together with other founding members in response to the first policy proposals mentioning cryptocurrencies.
Within the first few years, the focus was primarily on analyzing cryptocurrencies’ legality and business environment, while the association also co-organized occasional blockchain-focused meetups and conferences.
Starting in 2019, the association started morphing into an actual chamber.
– Our board members started actively participating in Finance Estonia meetings.
– Initial collaboration with Estonian regulators from the Estonian Ministry of Finance, Financial Intelligence Unit and Financial Supervision Authority, and various international chambers and regulatory bodies were established.
– We also created the Estonian Cryptocurrency Group on Facebook and grew it to 22.9K members by now.
In 2023, we finished our transformation, and Estonian Cryptocurrency Association became Estonian Web3 Chamber.
Since then, we’ve continued our previous policymaking activities but added more focus on community building and helping our members spread internationally.

Aktiivsed liikmed
Eesti Web3 koja liikmeteks on nii ettevõtted kui ka eraisikud. Allpool liikmete seis käesoleva aasta alguse seisuga.
- Hermes Brambat
- Otto de Voogd
- Margus Eslon
- Tim Heath
- Marek Kiisa
- Erki Koldits
- Mart Kutberg
- Aleksander Karabtšuk
- Aivo Hallist
- Taavi Vellemaa
- Egle Raudvee
- Gustav Liblik
- Artjom Morozov
- Gilbert Pardla
- Andre Veskimeister
- Asse Sauga
- Jüri Sirel
- Ando Kivilaid
- Sergi Esper
- Mariliis Kurg
- Andre Villanberg
- Vitali Pavlov
- Astra Tikas
- Sergi Esper
- Kaie Sauga
- Boris Ojasoo
- Marti Taru
- Sven Kivistik
- Taavi Tammoja
- Karl Kristjan Kuul
- Janar Veiksaar
- Admiralmarkets OÜ
- Spectro Finance OÜ
- CoinEx Grupp OÜ
- Swag OÜ
- B2BX Digital Exchange OÜ
- Grant Thornton Baltic OÜ
- BlockBen Financial Services OÜ
- Makeitneutral OÜ
- Binance France SAS
- Beresheet OÜ
- Polkadex OÜ
- CPS Solutions OÜ
- Coinmetro OÜ
- BlocktradeOperations OÜ
- YieldApp OÜ
- Oubitando OÜ
- Burfa Tech OÜ
- Scanlex OÜ (MAXCORP Ltd)
- Payster Group OÜ (Ungaro OÜ)
- Oblicity Estonia OÜ
- Advokaadibüroo Sirel & Partnerid
- Crystonio OÜ
- Moneypipe OÜ
- Rebecca Liis Armus OÜ
- Svelge OÜ
- Tknext OÜ
- Dream Finance OÜ (CoinsPaid)
- Vespia OÜ
- Stakin OÜ
- Heimdall Technology OÜ
- Easy Feedback Token OÜ
- TokenWorld OÜ
- Targetline OÜ

Do you want to be a part of EW3?
Become a member!
To join us, you must complete the application and pay the annual fee. All Estonian and international (except Belarussian & Russian) legal entities can join the chamber.